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Accidente en San Francisco: Tres fallecidos en choque entre auto y camioneta en el Bay Bridge

Accidente en San Francisco: Tres fallecidos en choque entre auto y camioneta en el Bay Bridge

Accidente en San Francisco

The San Francisco coroner has identified three individuals who tragically lost their lives in a collision between a Mini Cooper and a Toyota Tacoma on the Bay Bridge.

The victims were Sean Luttjohann, 59, Lorissa Weller, 38, and Bim Thorpe, 29, all from Alameda County. The collision occurred on February 15, with the Mini Cooper stalled in an eastbound lane when the Toyota truck crashed into it, resulting in the deaths of the Mini Cooper’s driver and backseat passenger at the scene, and the front seat passenger at San Francisco General Hospital.

The driver of the Toyota truck sustained major injuries and was taken to a hospital. The incident took place near the Treasure Island exit, with reports of the stalled vehicle coming in around 4 a.m. leading up to the collision.


Ubicacion: Yerba Buena Island, San Francisco, CA, USA

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